We Will Become One of the Industry Pioneers of the Digitalized World.

We Will Become One of the Industry Pioneers of the Digitalized World.

Haber Elevator (İSTANBUL) — Prosis Elevator, one of Turkey’s prominent companies in the Online Elevator Market application, continues to gain the trust of the industry with its e-commerce breakthrough ‘AsansorMarket.net’. Prosis Elevator General Manager İbrahim Yürekli said, “In the long run, a significant portion of the industry will make their purchases through e-commerce sites such as ‘AsansorMarket.net’, and as a company, we have completed our formation for this upcoming future and have appeared before the users.” Yürekli told Haber Elevator about the details of the operation process of AsansorMarket.net and Prosis Elevator. News Elevator: Can we hear from you about the establishment process of Prosis Elevator?


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